Everything Now - our final gesture before we’re thrown off a cliff. A rollercoaster ride with beautiful dancing men, a laughing/shouting multicultural chorus, dazzling lights, stunning sounds and physical explosions, interventions from emotionally virtuosic performers from Africa and Ireland, and sound artist Jassem Hindi.
Racially and politically mixed up and fucked up, supple, diverse and half beautiful, Everything Now fuses the physically brilliant with the awkward, combining formality and rigour of highly disciplined dance with elements of a 1960s happening. This is our testament. NOW!
Everything Now premiered at Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin Fringe Festival, September 13–17 2017.
Funded by the Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon and Dublin City Council. Supported by Culture Ireland, Dance Ireland, Newstalk, The Iris O'Brien Foundation. Developed at FRINGE LAB with the support of Dublin Fringe Festival.
Watch The Irish Times preview, filmed by Bryan O’Brien >>
Choreography and Concept: John Scott
Music: Brian Hogan
Costumes: Justine Doswell
Dancers: Kevin Coquelard, Maurice Ivy, Sebastiao Mpembele Kamalandua, Ryan O’Neill
Chorus: Joanna Banks, Kiribu, Peter Oipo, Haile Tkabo, Ngozi.
"Five stars ***** compulsive athletic performances… a fluid, intuitive ensemble... they succeed in raising moments of pure joy, with phases of sheer unadulterated physical dance" - Seona MacReamoinn/The Irish Times
"Best experience so far: Everything Now by John Scott Dance. This is a full recommendation" - Rachel Donnelly@racklette / Editor of DRAFF
"Scott’s choreography is characterised by a deep sense of welcome, by a generosity of spirit that opens it arms to invite everyone in ... If you enjoy Zen koans, are prepared to take the risk and put your shoes on your head, then drop everything now and go see Everything Now" - Chris O' Rourke / The Arts Review
‘Everything Now’ evokes a physical and emotional response. Audience members are moved by an astonishing fleet of rhythm, dance and poetry, while the production’s tenderness is both grounding and reassuring. ‘Everything Now’ is a harmonic symphony of movement and music" - Sarah McKenna-Barry / MEG Magazine
Dublin Fringe Festival
Smock Alley Theatre
13-17 September | 2017