Rince agus Damhsa CTR was incorporated in 2001 as a company limited by guarantee.
Company Number: 341446.
The company operates under the registered business name: Irish Modern Dance Theatre.
The Revenue Commissioners granted charitable status to the company in January 2005 with the reference CHY 15296.
The company has been a registered charity since October 2014, with the number 20052423. By virtue of the Charities Act, 2009, the directors of the company are deemed to be charity trustees.
Constitution (Memorandum and Articles of Association) >>
Strategic Plan 2021-2024: Pioneering Transformative Dance >>
Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Justice Policy and Plan>>
Environmental Policy and Plan >>
The Members of the company are:
Mike Walker (Chair)
Immaculate Akello
Amy Corrigan
Jennifer Howard
Siobhan O’Malley
Cheryl Therrian
Click the links below to view the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements for the following years:
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
The Company currently is close to full compliance with the the Charities Governance Code; and follows the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising. The code and the guidelines are issued by the Charities Regulator.
Trustees / Directors
The trustees/directors of the company have ultimate responsibility for the general wellbeing and effective governance of the company. The year in which each director/trustee joined the board is given in parentheses.
Mike Walker (2018) has been working in the NGO sector for over 15 years, initially with SPIRASI. He then went to Brussels where he worked for the World Organisation of the Scout Movement. In 2008 he started work with The Pew Charitable Trusts. Since 2016 he has been an independent campaign consultant. In this time, he has worked with several organisations and campaigns e.g. BirdLife Europe, the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, Carbon Market Watch, the High Seas Alliance, Rethink Plastic and more recently the Irish Environmental Pillar.
Immaculate Akello (2020) is a performer and works in health care. She is also a board member of Spirasi.
Jennifer Howard (2017) is an innovative and strategic thinker with 10 years’ extensive experience operating at board level in highly complex, international organisations. An inspirational leader and accomplished executive with a reputation for driving major transformational change within challenging P&L environments; always remaining focussed on delivering maximum business performance.
Siobhán O’Malley (2017) is an independent cultural manager/producer. Former Director of The Dock in Leitrim, she was the driving force behind The Dock’s consistently strong vision for artistic and innovative excellence during her 10-year tenure. An adjudicator at Dublin Fringe Festival 2008, she has also sat on selection/judging panels for music initiatives such as Eurosong and Music Network and on the Board of The Leitrim Design House. She is co-director and producer of The Pipes, The Pipes, which continues to tour internationally.
Artistic Director
John Scott is employed by the company as Artistic Director and Chief Executive and Company Secretary. As an officer of the company, he also is deemed to be a charity trustee.
The CEO’s current remuneration package lies within the range €51,000 to €60,000 a year.